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Dedicated Couples Therapist -
Birgit Fehst

Relationship expert on TV, radio, print and social media

MA in psychology  and intense couples and sex therapy training

Certified hypnotherapist, coach and consultant

First Aid for your second  Chance!

As the saying goes: Relationships only hurt those who don't have them. That's why I'm passionate about couples therapy in Berlin.

If you have always been happily married, you may not be able to understand relationship problems. "My pain is your gain", as the saying goes, which means: "Good for you that I had to go through it too”. Personal interest was the initial spark that led me to look into the subject. I wanted to know how to create good romantic relationships.

At university in the 90s, I took a psychology course called "Love Research" and the conclusion was clear: men and women communicate so differently that they can't really understand each other. Good to know. But there had to be a solution.

I worked for a long time with conflict and communication issues in the private sector, up to board level, and then focused on couples therapy in my own practice about 15 years ago. It is this combination of experience in psychology, business and business coaching that keeps me from being one-sided. I am neither soul blind nor business blind. And - I know your scheduling problems from my own experience.

I can also be seen regularly on television as a couples therapist and relationship expert, for example on Sat1 Frühstücksfernsehen, taff Pro Sieben, Deutsche Welle TV, Welt Online, Stern Online and RTL Mittagsmagazin. In October 2022, a new "era" began for me as a content creator on Instagram and TikTok. Almost 200,000 followers watch my videos about attachment styles, dating, relationships, toxic relationships and breakups.

ZDF also became aware of me through social media and since February 2024 you can see me in the ZDF Mediathek and on ZDF Neo as a couples therapist in the series "Love Hunters", where we support real couples in their homes with real advice and exciting activities for typical couple problems such as jealousy, arguments and the transition from couple to new parents. Since then, I have also been featured regularly in magazines like Elle and Maxi ( and newspapers like the Berliner Morgenpost. My book "Harte Wahrheiten aus dem Leben einer Paartherapeutin", which is based on my social media content, will be published by Knaur just in time for the book fair in September 2024. I'm really looking forward to these new challenges and hope to reach and help many more people.

The demands on relationships have changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 2,000 years. The path to a successful life together often leads through a jungle of misunderstandings. That is why "relationships" should be taught in schools, but until then, the world needs local scouts to guide people on the right path.

So that your world can be made whole again. I will be happy to help you!

Primary and
further education

MA North American Studies, French, Psychology (studied in Germany, France, USA)

 Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (2008)

 Couples therapy: Treating Affairs, UK masterclass and neuro-biological therapy (Dr. David Schnarch); Dealing with affairs (Esther Perel); Calling in the One and Conscious Uncoupling (Katherine Woodward Thomas); Bridging the Couple's Chasm Level 1 and Assessment, Interventions and Co-Morbidities, Level 2 (Gottman Relationship Institute); Introduction to Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy (Matthias Angelstorf)

 Sex therapy: Certified systemic sex therapist (IGST Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Clement); Sexual Dysfunction and Intimacy and Desire (Dr. David Schnarch); Sexocorporel (Institute for Embodiment and Sexology)

 Psychotherapy: Acceptance and commitment therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety disorders and depression (Russ Harris); Internal Family Systems (IIFS Institute Berlin)

 Hypnosis: Certified Hypnotherapist (National Guild of Hypnotists); Hypnotherapy (Dr. Norbert Preetz); Carcinos hypnosis accompanying cancer therapy (Ina Ostroem); Trance camp (Steven Gilligan); Trance Travel (Tania Niermeier); Lightning Hypnosis (Sean Michael Andrews)

 Coaching: Certified trainer and consultant BDVT; Co-Active Coach CTI London; Course Leader Progressive Muscle Relaxation (AHAB Academy); Stress management trainer (AHAB Academy); NLP Practitioner (Spectrum Communication Training and Fresh Academy); Metaprograms (Marc Pletzer); Wingwave Coach (Dirk Eilert); EFT Practitioner (EFT Institute Berlin); Autonom Health Professional (Autonom Health Vienna)

Help Through 
Couples Therapy

Couples therapist Birgit Fehst gives insights into couples therapy at Deutsche Welle (shortened TV report in german).

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please send me an email or book your appointment quickly and easily via Doctolib.

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